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Dracunculus - Philodendron
(Arum family)
[ * Acorus - Arisaema * ][ * Arisarum - Dieffenbachia * ][ * Dracunculus - Philodendron * ] [ * Pinellia - Zantedeschia * ][ * References * ]
- Dracunculus vulgaris Schott
- [syn. Arum dracunculus L.]
- Common Dracunculus, Dragon Arum, Voodoo Lily, Arum Petit-Dragon, Dragonne Serpentaire, Petit Dragon Commun, Gewöhnliche Drachenwurz
This is the Drakontium of Hippocrates. The root is irritant (Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962).
- Epipremnum aureum (Linden & André) G.S.Bunting
- [syns Pothos aureus Linden & André, Rhaphidophora aurea (Linden & André) Birdsey, Scindapsus aureus (Linden & André) Engl.]
- Devil's Ivy, Devil's Vine, Golden Pothos, Hunter's Robe, Ivy Arum, Pothos, Solomon Island Ivy, Taro Vine
The juice is irritant and a frequent cause of dermatitis. Florida nurserymen who cut up stems for propagation commonly complain of "pothos poisoning". Contact with the sap can cause dermatitis (Hardin & Arena 1974, Morton 1971) and biting into the stem has caused irritation of the mouth and tongue (Morton 1962a, 1971). The plants contain needle-sharp raphides of calcium oxalate (Souder 1963).
A case of allergic contact dermatitis caused by Scindapsus aureus in a florist was reported by Mobacken (1975). A papulovesicular patch test reaction was produced by the leaf; control tests in 21 volunteers were negative. The patient did not react when patch tested with the leaf of an unnamed Dieffenbachia species.
- Epipremnum giganteum Schott
- [syn. Rhaphidophora gigantea Ridl.]
- Rengut
This species is reported to be irritant. The liquid contained in the spathe of the flowers is very irritating. When the fruit decays, bast cells and needle-shaped crystals are liberated. Malays are reluctant to touch the fruit as the irritant dust may cause blindness (Gimlette 1929).
- Homalomena Schott
The rhizomes of some species are slightly irritant (Burkill 1935).
- Monstera Schott
- Windowleaf
This genus of 50 species of climbers and epiphytes occurs in the West Indies and Tropical America.
According to Allen (1943), the juice of all species is acrid and caustic, causing a painful burning on contact with the skin.
- Monstera adansonii Schott
- [syns Dracontium pertusum L., Monstera ecuadorensis Engl. & K.Krause, Monstera pertusa de Vriese, Monstera friedrichsthalii Schott, Monstera jacquini Schott, Monstera macrophylla Schott, Monstera milleriana Schott, Monstera siltepecana Matuda]
- Swiss Cheese Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Window Leaf
This taxon may be found in the trade as "Philodendron friedrichsthalii", a name of no botanical standing.
This species is reported to be irritant (Souder 1963).
Hammershøy & Verdich (1980) observed positive [cross- ?]reactions to the crushed leaf and the crushed stem of Monstera friedrichsthalii in one of four patients being investigated for contact sensitivity to Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G.S.Bunting [see below]. An ether extract of leaves and stems produced no reaction.
- Monstera deliciosa Liebm.
- [syn. Philodendron pertusum Kunth & C.D.Bouché]
- Ceriman, Fruit-Salad Plant, Hurricane Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Swiss Cheese Plant, Tarovine, Piñanona
This climbing plant is very widely grown. The unripe fruit is acrid, but becoming edible when ripe. Dahlgren & Standley (1944) caution that the unripe fruit contains needle-like crystals that irritate the mouth. Irritation of the throat may develop if all remains of the flower are not removed (Burkill 1935), and the fruit may cause allergy or anaphylaxis in the form of a rapidly developing and extensive urticaria (MacPherson 1929, Francis & Southcott 1967). The spadix is also edible (Hurst 1942).
Hammershøy & Verdich (1980) observed positive [cross- ?]reactions to the crushed stem of two plants identified by their supplier as "Philodendron monstera" and as "Philodendron perthusum" [names of no botanical standing] in one of four patients being investigated for contact sensitivity to Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G.S.Bunting [see below]. Neither the crushed leaves nor an ether extract of leaves and stems produced a reaction.
- Monstera dilacerata K.Koch
- Monstera epipremnoides Engl.
- [syns Monstera schleichtleinii, Monstera leichtleinii — both of no botanical standing]
These species are reported to be irritant (Souder 1963).
- Monstera irritans N.W.Simmonds
This species is named for the irritant cells formed abundantly in the apex of the gynoecia as the fruits ripen (Simmonds 1950).
- Montrichardia arborescens Schott
- [syn. Montrichardia aculeatum Crueg.]
- Rabano, Boroboro
The abundant sap of this plant has caused dermatitis in labourers cutting it with a machete. Erythema develops immediately on contact with the sap and fades in 24–72 hours (Dao 1967).
- Philodendron Schott
Recognised by Willis (1973) as comprising 275 species of shrubs, climbers, and epiphytes, Plants of the World Onlinea now lists 621 accepted species. It is the second largest aroid genus after Anthurium Schott. They are found in tropical and sub-tropical America and in the West Indies.
Several species are popular as foliage house plants in temperate regions (Hunt 1968/70), Mabberley (2017) noting that Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl. was the most familiar, and that Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott was probably the the most common house plant in the world. However, many more species, hybrids, and cultivars can be found being offered for sale in the horticultural trade.b,c,d Whilst a facility is now provided by the International Aroid Society as the International Cultivar Registration Authoritye to register aroid cultivar names, most Philodendron cultivars have for one reason or another not been registered. West & Miller (1956) described the then known species and hybrids (of which there nine) found in the trade, and provided drawings comparing the many leaf shapes of these foliage plants. More recently, an overview of the history of hybridisation within the genus has been provided by Devanand et al. (2004) who carried out phylogenetic studies on 43 cultivars across 15 species to look for relationships indicative of parentage. Their study revealed a good deal of confusion: cultivars with the same name were genetically different; other cultivars had seemingly been mis-labelled; and species names were being used as cultivar names. This erratic nomenclature of the florists has in turn been copied into medical reports.
Ayres & Ayres (1958) reported 12 cases of dermatitis to various but not rigorously identified species of Philodendron. Conjunctivitis from contact and stomatitis from ingestion have also been noted (Everist 1972).
Some species are irritant, and some can sensitise. Hjorth (1966a) observed no positive patch test reactions in 93 patients tested over a period of six years with an unidentified philodendron. Dermatitis from a Philodendron was reported by Zina & Bonu (1960). The patient also showed a positive patch test reaction to Primula L. (fam. Primulaceae) flowers and leaves.
- Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl.
- [syns Philodendron lundii Warm., Philodendron selloum K.Koch]
This plant contains intensely irritating crystals of calcium oxalate (Souder 1963). Philodendron selloum is reported to have caused dermatitis (Ayres & Ayres 1958).
- Philodendron consanguineum Schott
Pardo-Castello (1923), later cited by Weber (1930), included this taxon in a list of tropical plants producing contact dermatitis. Engel & Horn (1972) provided a case report of a phytodermatosis caused by Phyllodendron consanguineum [sic].
- Philodendron cordatum Kunth
- Heart Leaf
This species is particularly favoured as a house plant. Ayres & Ayres (1958) reported several cases of strongly positive and very persistent delayed allergic contact reactions to this plant.
Lewis & Elvin-Lewis (1977) state that the leaf juice from this species, after mixing with soap, has been used in Brazil to treat eczema.
- Philodendron hastatum K.Koch & Sello
- [syns Philodendron disparile Schott, Philodendron elongatum Engl.]
- Silver Queen Philodendron, Silver Sword Philodendron
Souder (1963) included Philodendron hastatum in a list of aroids on Guam that contain microscopic stinging crystals of calcium oxalate, which can be intensely irritating to mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and throat, or tender skin.
- Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott var. hederaceum
- [syns Arum hederaceum Jacq., Philodendron acrocardium Schott, Philodendron cuspidatum K.Koch & C.D.Bouché, Philodendron micans Klotzsch ex K.Koch, Philodendron microphyllum K.Koch, Philodendron prieurianum Schott, Philodendron scandens K.Koch & Sello, Philodendron scandens var. cuspidatum (K.Koch & C.D.Bouché) Engl., Pothos hederaceus (Jacq.) Aubl.]
- Heart Leaf Philodendron, Sweetheart Plant, Velvet Leaf Philodendron, Vilevine, Kletternder Philodendron
[Information available but not yet included in database]
- Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium (Schott) Croat
- [syns Philodendron hederaceum subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G.S.Bunting, Philodendron oxycardium Schott, Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G.S.Bunting]
- Heart Leaf Philodendron, Parlour Ivy, Sweetheart Plant
A common indoor pot-plant identified as Philodendron Scandens cardatum [sic] but now recognised as Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium caused dermatitis of the face, neck, hands, and arms in a commercial greenhouse worker (Dorsey 1958). A patch test with wet crushed stem and leaf was positive. Dermatitis was said to be not uncommon in commercial nursery workers. Earlier, Harris (1942) had reported dermatitis of the eyelids in a housewife from the same mis-named taxon.
Allergic contact sensitivity to this taxon in four patients has been described by Hammershøy & Verdich (1980). Positive patch test reactions to the leaves, stem, and ether extract were observed. Cross sensitivity was observed in the various patients to Philodendron tuxtlanum Bunting, Monstera friedrichsthalii Schott, and to various Monstera deliciosa Liebm. cultivars, but not to Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott.
- Philodendron cv. Jaluit
These plant contains calcium oxalate raphides (Souder 1963).
- Philodendron cv. Red Emerald
Hammershøy & Verdich (1980) observed positive [cross- ?]reactions to the crushed leaves and crushed stem of this cultivar in two of four patients being investigated for contact sensitivity to Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G.S.Bunting [see above].
- Philodendron cv. Rubrum
Lynne-Davies & Mitchell (1974) applied portions of the fresh leaf of this cultivar to the backs of 2 males for 48 hours under occlusion. Neither irritant reactions nor delayed flares occurred.
- Philodendron sagittifolium Liebm.
- [syns Philodendron daemonum Liebm., Philodendron ghiesbrechtii Linden ex Engl., Philodendron lancigerum Standl. & L.O.Williams, Philodendron sanguineum Regel, Philodendron tanyphyllum Schott, Philodendron tuxtlanum G.S.Bunting]
- Elephant Ear Philodendron, Spade Leaf Philodendron
This taxon may be found in the trade as "Philodendron tuxla", a name of no botanical standing.
Hammershøy & Verdich (1980) observed a positive [cross- ?]reaction to the crushed leaf of Philodendron tuxtlanum in one of four patients being investigated for contact sensitivity to Philodendron scandens subsp. oxycardium (Schott) G.S.Bunting [see above]. Neither the crushed stem nor an ether extract of leaves and stems produced a reaction.
- Philodendron simsii Sweet
This species is reported to be irritant (Pammel 1911).
- Philodendron speciosum Schott
Contact dermatitis caused by this species has been reported (Ayres & Ayres 1958).
[ * Acorus - Arisaema * ][ * Arisarum - Dieffenbachia * ][ * Dracunculus - Philodendron * ] [ * Pinellia - Zantedeschia * ][ * References * ]
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